Nambucca postcode leads local online shopping increase

Lockdown boosts online shopping with the LGA’s year on year increase slightly below the national average.


THE pandemic has changed the way we shop and it’s not only by donning masks when doing face to face shopping.

Australia Post reports that lockdowns in NSW are creating an increase in online shopping across the state.

New year on year data shows almost four million households have bought something online in the last fortnight – up six per cent when compared to last year.

In the same two weeks, New South Wales accounted for over a third (35.1 per cent) of all online purchases nationally and Queensland almost a fifth. Western Australia and the Northern Territory have also grown strongly, up 20.3 and 17.2 percent respectively.

In the Nambucca Local Government Area (LGA) the top three postcodes showing year on year increase in online shopping growth for the 12 months to 30 June 2021 are Nambucca Heads (2448) at 33.4%, followed by Bowraville (2449) at 29.4% and Macksville (2447) at 28.9%.

The top three online shopping categories showing year on year growth for the Nambucca LGA is Variety Stores at 33.5%, Home and Garden at 32.7% and Specialty Food and Liquor purchases at 28.1%

Australia Post General Manager Parcel and Express services Ben Franzi said, “With this latest wave of the pandemic affecting different areas of the country, we’ve seen different growth patterns as many Australians experienced tight public health restrictions for the first time.”

“The growth in online shopping in areas experiencing COVID-19 restrictions was similar to the trends seen in the midst of the pandemic last year,” he said.

“We know that when restrictions tighten people buy more online.

“In fact, during lockdowns online purchase growth almost doubles when compared to non-lockdown periods according to our data,” he said.

“We’ve worked incredibly hard over the last year to increase our capacity, and our posties and drivers are working tirelessly to deliver parcels to our customers every working day, while our Post Offices remain open to provide access to essential services and support communities.

“To keep track of their deliveries I encourage all of our customers to download the Australia Post Mobile App and take advantage of the great collect and return options we have available, including the more than 500 free 24/7 Parcel lockers we have across the country,” Mr Franzi concluded.


By Sandra MOON

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