Ashes 2 Green invites the Nambucca Valley community to share in recovery from bushfires and floods

Enjoy a cultural day of community connection at Ashes 2 Green.


ASHES 2 Green is a family-friendly, one-day event bringing together people from across the Nambucca Valley who have been affected by the 2019 bushfires and the 2021 floods.

The event will be held at Spirit of the Rainforest (SOTR), the family property of local hospitality entrepreneur, Caitlin Hockey.

“The gathering will give people of the Nambucca Valley/surrounds a chance to come together to share in the healing of country and community after experiencing the devastating bushfires, followed by the floods,” Caitlin told News Of The Area.

“After experiencing such horrific losses, it is so important to feel supported by our community and to have hope for the future.

“Ashes 2 Green will be a nourishing day of cultural connection, story sharing, bush walks, tree planting, laughs (possibly tears), good food and slowing down, finding hope together in nature.”

The Kian Rd fire burnt through the southern half of the Nambucca Valley, burning 20% of the Council shire area and is the worst natural disaster on record in this area.

“Our communities suffered from the loss of natural habitat, the native forests which we have created our homes around and the immense loss of native wildlife.

“Finding dead koalas, possums, birds and wallabies was a shocking realisation of how intense the fires were and this devastation rippled throughout the families dedicated to protecting country and stewarding the land.”

Community members as young as 12 were out fighting fires and have since been assisting in recovery and rebuilding efforts, volunteering for organisations such as Blaze Aid.

“We know that people in our community are still hurting, from witnessing the devastation themselves and bearing the impact on family functioning,” Caitlin said.

“After recent rains, we are currently witnessing the transformative power of healing through nature, as we are starting to see bursts of green, energy and light emerging.”

Caitlin says the time is right to bring people together to remember, reflect and heal.

Carpooling from Bowraville is encouraged.

Ashes 2 Green is a collaboration between the National Parks Association of NSW, Spirit of the Rainforest, Bush Grazing & Bloom Wellness and Creation, funded through the Bushfire Recovery initiative by Healthy North Coast.

For enquiries, call Caitlin Hockey on 0488 545 274 or email

Registration required – limited to 40 places.

To register, visit




Caitlin Hockey, is hosting Ashes 2 Green at Spirit of the Rainforest, her family property.

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