Reports received, measures taken on Englands Road’s offensive odour issue


THE Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has received and assessed two independent reports regarding the offensive odour emanating from Englands Road, Coffs Harbour.

The two reports were compiled by Biomass and Coffs Harbour City Council after the EPA received multiple ongoing reports from the public about the offensive odour.

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The EPA reports that, “Coffs Harbour City Council has advised the EPA that its independent industry expert had identified the landfill as the likely source of the odour.

“Council has engaged experts to assist it in mitigating the issue.

“Amongst other things Council has since reduced the size of the face of their landfill and added additional capping to help seal in the odours.”

The EPA’s response on June 11 was to vary the council’s Environment Protection Licence by adding a pollution reduction program (PRP).

According to the EPA the PRP requires Coffs Harbour City Council to take five measures in an attempt to diminish the problem.

Coffs Harbour City Council must ensure that landfill capping material is placed over the problematic area of the landfill.

They must undertake landfill fume testing to ensure the fumes are adequately controlled.

They are required to review current odour management strategies to identify opportunities to improve odour management and reduce odour emissions from the facility.

They also need to implement a monitoring program and provide a copy of the landfill gas extraction system review report.

The EPA are continuing to monitor the site twice daily and are able and willing to consider taking further regulatory action if necessary.

If you are affected by the odour from the Englands Waste Facility you can report on it to the EPA Hotline on 131 555.


By Sandra MOON

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