POSTPONED: Nambucca Surf Club hosts Cooper Chapman’s Good Human Factory Workshop

Cooper Chapman hosts his Good Human Factory Workshop.


*The below event has been postponed due to current Covid-19 restrictions.

IN response to the growing concern around mental health for young people in the Valley, a collaboration with local services has organised professional surfer Cooper Chapman to host one of his Good Human Factory Workshops at the Nambucca Surf Club on the afternoon of 18 July.

Through his workshops Cooper aims to teach us how to ‘be kind to your mind’.

Being a young, active professional surfer, Cooper encourages everyone to think ‘what am I doing to take care of my mental health?’

He relays the importance of living with values to find purpose in our lives.

“Living with key values is a great way to maintain a good outlook on life,” he advocates.

Molly Langley from Uniting, Nambucca Heads, told News Of The Area, “I have seen too many young people in the Valley struggling with mental health or taking their own lives because of these struggles and decided that this is not okay, and we must do something to respond to this.

“For people with mental health problems not being able to talk about it can be one of the worst parts of the illness.

“By bringing people together and talking about mental health we can break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery, and take the stigma out of something that affects us all.”

The hoped-for outcome is to encourage everyone in the Nambucca Valley to have meaningful conversations about mental health and in doing so bring the community together to support one another when it matters most.

“I hope that Cooper’s message is inspirational and encourages us to find purpose in our lives and identify ways to maintain a good outlook on life.

“I hope everyone can leave the workshop with a new perspective on mental health,” said Molly.

The event is free with a limited capacity of 100 seats.

The organisers ask people to RSVP by texting: 0466 938945 or emailing:

This event has been supported by: Uniting Children, Youth and Families; Nambucca Valley Youth services centre; Blue Sky and Gen Health.




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