Squash Competition Getting Stronger at Nambucca Heads Squash Club

Rod Hicks and Ray Fitzgerald.


RAY Fitzgerald and Rod Hicks returned to the Wednesday night competition at the Nambucca Squash Club last week, winning division one and two.

Ray, from Bowraville, has been playing at the club for over 20 years where he has been the Club champion on multiple occasions.

He told News Of The Area it’s good to be back after keeping up his fitness coaching the touch football juniors.

“I’ve been away from the comp for about four years helping out at Macksville touch footy, I’ve kept up my fitness by joining in with the drills and playing social squash to keep my eye in.

“I really enjoyed the intensity of competition squash again and it was a pleasure to play against the lads and the camaraderie, some of whom travel from Coffs Harbour for a hit.

“The competition is getting stronger, I got up by one point in the last round and Jackson Lyndsay is getting better every comp, his speed and agility around the court extends the rallies and makes you work for every point.

“It’s great to see Rod Hicks back in action, after winning line two, he’ll probably head up to line one, he’s a quality player and Trevor Sparks will be pushing everyone with his high intensity game,” said Ray.

Zac Keizer won line three, young Jake Hicks won line four, Kobi Fitzsummons line five and newcomer to the club Josh Knight won Line six.



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