Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Progress Association and Southern Reference Group Report

Work has begun on the new four-man fish cleaning table at Moira Pde.


JUST as things were freeing up it’s “here we go again!”.

Masks are mandatory inside retail establishments, number restrictions in homes are in place and of course, the cancellation of Progress Association and Reference Group meetings.

Unfortunately, our presentations by State Member, Kate Washington and the new President of our Lions Club, both had to be postponed.

Our only advice to all is to take heed of the warnings, get vaccinated, pull the shutters down and stay warm.

Meanwhile there has been some movement at the station, which should be of interest to the community.

Council has been busy in preparing for the election of Councillors to be held on September 4 2021.

Note that we represent 5% of the Shire population and every vote is needed from this neck of the Shire to ensure we have continued representation.

Len Roberts, our current Councillor has indicated he will run again and will need your support.

Remember that voting is compulsory and if not already enrolled, you must do so before July 26.

Council has announced the appointment of a consultant to conduct concept planning to upgrade the Tea Gardens sewer network.

This new main will relieve pressure on the existing network and reduce the risk of overflows.

Information sessions will be held in Tea Gardens and the concept design is expected to be completed early December.

Again with Council, we can advise that repairs have been conducted on both the Moira Pde and Winda Woppa ramps, although we maintain these repairs are stopgap only and that a full replacement is required.

The axle breaking pot holes have been filled and work has begun on the new four-man fish cleaning table at Moira Pde.

The proposed new ramp in Apex Park is still in the design stage and it is hoped the project will be completed by the December holiday period.

The suggested approval for one-way footpaths on the Singing Bridge for wheeled traffic, is under consideration and a decision will hopefully arrive by the end of July.

The Sand Transfer System underwent its second operation in June, just in time for a strong low which removed the first few days of work.

We are pleased to report the remainder of transfer was very successful and the beach is sporting a healthy profile.

The construction of the new Tea Gardens Slipway is now well advanced and due for completion in July.

It will be a huge improvement to the outdated predecessor and an absolute necessity to the support of the boating fraternity as well as the health of our wonderful river.

Paul Bendy and his Committee are to be congratulated on their perseverance.

The sunken houseboat opposite Ogden Street has still not been removed.

Maritime Services have appointed a contractor, however the recent death of a Sydney based contractor has resulted in safety delays.

Maritime are hopeful that the operation will be completed in a few weeks.

The Pool Subcommittee recently met with Council management and reported that a constructive and helpful discussion took place.

They are seeking further signatures to their petition and it is clear that the community wants the pool open and that improvements made to pool facilities.

They are seeking people who may be interested in joining a steering group to design, cost and seek grant funding.

Any person with design, construction management and Government grant experience who is interested in joining the steering committee should contact Jim Meehan, Chair of the Sub – Committee of Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Progress Assn.

Email Jim at meehan.jw@gmail.com.

Until next time “that’s all folks” and please stay safe.


By Gordon GRAINGER, Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Progress Association

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