OPINION: Koala encounter in Boambee East


DEAR News Of The Area,

BOAMBEE East resident, Jennifer Parker, got the surprise of her life last Saturday as she and her family were pruning their garden verge and a young koala came bounding along the middle of their street.

Being on a busy corner they immediately tried to corral the bewildered animal into a safer place in which case it immediately headed for the nearest tree – which happened to be in her garden.

Although it appeared keen to head elsewhere it was encouraged to stay until a WIRES rescuer could arrive and ascertain its health and give further advice.

Thanks to local WIRES Koala Ranger, Jody Shone, the koala was given a clean bill of health and Jen was advised to let it sit out the day in a safe tree until the evening when the animal could naturally find its way into the nearby koala corridor; as they do.

For Jen and her family it was a rare and special experience and some may say good karma.

Jen has been a long time active and passionate campaigner to save the nearby koala corridor and habitat in Lot 2 Sawtell Road from bulldozing.

WIRES can be contacted on 1300 094 737.


Dave WOOD,
Boambee East.


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