Sawtell Golf Results Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 17, 2021 8/6 MEDLEY Stableford A: Terry Rapley 42c/b, Alan Davis 42. B: Bob Everitt 39, Paul Rowe 36c/b. C: Paul Bennett 41, Phil O’Dwyer 39. Balls to 33c/b. NTP 7 A: Tony O’Rourke, B: Victor Robertson, C: Ian Lightfoot. NTP 11 A: Jim Murdoch, B: Ivan Connors, C: Phil O’Dwyer (pro pin). Visitors from Toukley 9/6 Captain Vs President Stableford C: Karen Leighton 30, Sandra Guymer 28. P: Trish Rhoades 36, Chris Constable 33. NTP 7 Chris Constable. NTP 11 Gayle James (pro pin). French Basket Linda Rankin. Balls to 27c/b. President’s team won 12/6 Jazbah Skeletonics 7. Lee Stewart 21c/b, Lorraine Lacey 21c/b, Linda Wood 21c/b.Balls to 19c/b. Saturday Sal Chris Anderson. Stroke US Open Chris veerhuis 12/6 Fourball Stableford Luke Fry & Ethan Thornborough 45c/b, Blake Smoothy & Izaac Hillery 45, Michael Oates & Andrew Lane 41c/b, Benjamin Armstrong & Tom Major 41c/b. Balls to 38c/b. NTP 7 A: Jim Murdoch, B: Gregory Parsons, C: James Swilks. NTP 11 A: Allan Heffernan (pro pin), C: Garry Claus. 13/6 Medley Stableford Vanessa Leigh Johnston 37c/b, Cameron Pollard 37c/b. Balls to 32c/b. NTP 7 Kate Pollard. NTP 11 Tim Hyland