OPINION: Advice for future leaders with Council and Mayoral aspirations


DEAR News Of The Area,

‘Herewith is an attempt to ‘define an approach’ for those who place their name forward for Local Government Election, and Mayoral Leadership.

Rather than ambition or ego driven achievements, their representation is ‘exclusively’ for the ‘citizens’, and the ‘long-term good’, value, and benefits to the people.

Consensus, cooperation and compromise are primary principles worth pursuing.

The good of the people is above party politics and factions.

Longer-term consideration is superior to creating deep and long-term divisions.

Long-term and immense debt requires ‘very serious’ consideration for those who follow; especially in a City where Council rates are already high and when ‘national financial corrections’ are imminent.

The excessive and indulgent spending of ratepayers annual contributions is negligent.

First and foremost, the decisions of Council are for the ‘quality of life and enjoyment’ of the people ‘who live within its boundaries’.

Finally – for the good of the people – the city’s administration must quickly and seriously consider this city’s population growth and manageable numbers.

Parking is already a companion problem!

Even now and during times of population build-up, city traffic is a problem.

This, the bypass WILL NOT FIX!

For the Council electoral aspirants, please try to get your priorities right!


Kenneth PALMER,
Coffs Harbour.

3 thoughts on “OPINION: Advice for future leaders with Council and Mayoral aspirations

  1. So true and hey need to read and follow the local government code of conduct. One of the latest bunch of aspirants the ” we’ll fix it” team spearheaded by Roger Pryce semm to have the opinion that council is an autocracy and they can just dismiss counter opinions . He also fails to realise that he will never make a decision alone, there are 9 councillors and there has to be a majority vote to pass any decision.
    If I could sum up his campaign I’d say “It is like the emperor’s new clothes – there is simply nothing there”

    1. If you don’t back people like this nothing will change.
      Get out there, put your hand in your pocket and help get rid of feckless inept councillors and mayor’s.
      Get people to vote, get change happening, get involved, do it now.

  2. There are some good points here, Kenneth. I don’t think too many people would any problems with any of that. The only thing that I would highlight is that the effectiveness of any council is not to be judged solely on the day to day stuff that we all expect (the old three Rs of Rates, Roads, and Rubbish), but on the full scope of all matters that fall into the council’s remit – both now and into the future. Strategic thinking is of the utmost importance if the LGA and its society are to grow in the right direction.

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