Nambucca Youthie’s Open Day June 11 with the Youth Mobile Cafe operational

Board member Deidre Bear with the Youth Mobile Cafe


ON June 11 the Nambucca Valley Youth Services Centre, aka the Youthie, will be holding an Open Day.

The Open Day will give locals the opportunity to have a look at the Youthie, view artworks on display from local artists, and enjoy food and drinks.

The Youth Mobile Cafe will be operating for the first time after a long break.

This will be the first of a raft of events that the Youth Mobile Cafe will be operating at.

Youth that are involved with working with the cafe gain considerable skills.

Deidre Bear, Board Member, speaks of the role of the cafe in training young people.

“A large part of this is building the team,” Deirdre said.

“To have young people building transferable work skills.”

Deidre lists the main training that the members of the cafe team will receive will be in hospitality, business and teamwork skills.

Currently there are six members on the team, and interested youth are encouraged to contact the Youthie if they are interested in training for future events.

“We are trying to engage more youth, with the aim to attract more young people to be part of the mobile cafe scheme.
“We need a team that we can call on.”

The Mobile Cafe is available to operate at community events, and the Youth Centre encourages community groups to contact them if they would like to have the Youth Centre at their event.

Nambucca Valley Youth Centre operates as a not-for-profit charity group.

All funding used by the Centre is raised through successful grant applications and donations.

Members of the community can donate directly at the Youthie, or go to

For more information please contact the Youthie on 65687777, visit them at 48 Ridge St Nambucca Heads, or find them on Facebook at Nambucca Valley Youth Services Centre.



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