Sawtell golf results


20/4 MEDLEY Stableford

Darren Nell 41, Charles Autry-Hall 39, Anthony Rapley 38, Daniel Shipley 37, Brian Wilson 36c/b, Keith Butley 36c/b. Balls to 33c/b.

NTP 7 A: Tony O’Rourke, B: Greg Alchin (pro pin), C: Brian Leiper. NTP 11 A: Greg White, C: Reg Latter
21/4 Stableford

A: Lynne Rapley 36, Liz Jackson 32. B: Ying Pfeifer 31, Trish Rhoades 30c/b.

NTP 7 A: Narelle Foy, B: Jenny Ball. NTP 11 A: Narelle Foy (pro pin). Nearest the basket Kate Thornborough
22/4 Chook Run

David Knudsen 27. Balls to 23

23/4 Medley Stableford

Wayne Kildey 30. Balls to 27

24/4 Irish Stableford

Kelcie Davis, Andrew Sercombe, Gerard Crowe & Stephen Spencer 117c/b, Ken Higgins, Glen Collon, Mark Shipman & Rob Wellings 117, Darren Blaikie, Craig Blyth, Gus Schroder & David Myers 113, Jim Murdoch, Donovan Friel, Lochie Smith & Brendan Barnes 111c/b, Chris Turnbull, Craig Gardner, Stephen Dawson & John Veness 111, Michael Wheeler, Bryce Klugston, Cameron Pollard & Stephen Thompson 110c/b.

Balls to 109.

NTP 3 A: Paul Bayliss, B: David Knudson, C: Ken Allen. NTP 7 A: Jay Sakaio, B: Dave Lovett, C: Garry Herbert.
NTP 11 A: Paul Bayliss (pro pin), B: David Meyers, C: Wilton Cameron.

NTP 15 A: Garry Hardcastle, B: Andrew Mackinnon, C: Bruce Ryan
24/4 Barclay Series Final (sponsored by Grace Bailey)

Narelle Foy 20c/b, Bronwyn Morgan 20c/b, Kate Pollard 19c/b. Balls to 16c/b. NTP 7 Kate Pollard, Saturday Sal Trish Rhoades.

Series Overall Narelle Foy 86, Debbie Telford 83, Michelle Blackman 80. Mystery 2B Joy Lawrence & Elaine Everitt.
Consistency Jackie Chapman

25/4 Medley Stableford

Anne O’Grady 36c/b, Dan Costigan 36, Lynne Rapley 35c/b. Balls to 32.

NTP 7 Barry Atkins. Visitors from Belmont, Gen Y, Merewether, Traralgon.


By Janet O’DOWD

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