ABC Apology and Out of Court Settlement for Jacinta Price

Ms Jacinta Nampi­jin­pa Price’s defamation lawsuit against the ABC recently settled out of court.


THE ABC issued an on air apology last week as the public broadcaster settled out of court in a defamation case brought by Alice Springs Deputy Mayor Jac­in­ta Nampi­jin­pa Price, a Warlpiri/Celtic woman.

The defamation suit was raised by Councillor Price after news segments aired on ABC Coffs Coast and ABC Alice Springs in September 2019 covering her Mind The Gap speaking tour.

Ms Price was in Coffs Harbour and scheduled to speak at the Jetty Theatre in September 2019.

At that time the Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council issued a media release which was later retracted however was used by the ABC to report on the event the following morning.

Ms Price began defamation proceedings and lodged documents with the federal court claiming the land council and the ABC had falsely accused her of vilifying Aboriginal people and their culture.

At the time ABC’s Media Watch reported a statement by the ABC saying it was remiss in not offering Ms Price the opportunity to respond personally to the local criticisms.

The on-air apology from Coffs Harbour’s ABC Breakfast Announcer Fi Poole was read out last Thursday.

“On the 11th September 2019 ABC Coffs Coast and ABC Alice Springs broadcast radio segments about Jacinta Nampi­jin­pa Price’s speaking tour and local reactions to it in Coffs Harbour including a media release put out by the Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council.

“The ABC understands that the land council has withdrawn and apologised to Ms Price for statements contained in that media release which it accepts were false and defamatory and which caused hurt and distress to Ms Price and her family.

“The ABC did not endorse the opinions contained in the media release and apologises to Ms Price and her family for the hurt and distress caused by broadcasting those views,” Ms Poole said.

The ABC has agreed on an out of court settlement with Ms Price on confidential terms.


By Sandra MOON

One thought on “ABC Apology and Out of Court Settlement for Jacinta Price

  1. Jacinta continues to villify Aboriginal people. Instead of accepting constructive criticism, she chased the money and reeled in self victimisation. She collects followers by appeasing non-Aboriginal populations with her unfounded generalisations about Aboriginal people. I wish she’d just shut the hell up…she does not represent me.

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