Hawks Nest Sewage Treatment Plant set for major upgrade

A consultant was hired to complete a concept design for the upgrade of the Sewage Treatment Plant.


MIDCOAST Council has begun working on preliminary plans for a major upgrade to the Hawks Nest Sewage Treatment Plant, appointing a consultant to complete a concept design for the project in March.

The concept design will establish the civil, electrical and mechanical requirements of the project and is expected to take around six months.

Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott, said the project had been planned for a number of years and it was now time to move forward with it.

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“In its current capacity, the Hawks Nest Sewage Treatment Plant is working hard to process the volume of sewage coming into the plant, especially during peak holiday periods,” he said.

“With Hawks Nest’s population expected to grow, this project will ensure the plant is equipped to meet the community’s wastewater needs well into the future.”

The project will see two clarification tanks and a new sludge lagoon constructed at the facility, while the existing aeration tanks will undergo significant modifications to ensure they can process larger volumes of sewage.

The ultraviolet disinfection and chemical dosing systems at the plant will also be upgraded.

“Not only will this project ensure the plant can cater for the community’s growing needs, it will lead to better environmental outcomes, as the effluent coming out of the plant will ultimately be treated to a higher standard,” said Mr Scott.

“Concept design is a vital stage in the project and will allow us to progress to detailed design and then construction, with the project expected to be completed in 2023.”

To find out more about the project, visit www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/hawksneststp.

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