Bishop Druitt College students and staff rise for climate justice

BDC Student Environment Group with Teachers Brett Bennett and Tiffany Easman. Reverend David Morgan – Chaplain, Reverend Canon Naomi Cooke – Chaplain and the Bishop of Grafton Rt Rev Dr Murray Harvey.


ALARMED by the massive gap between what is required to limit global temperature rise and actual climate change commitments by governments and financial institutions, BDC students and staff sent a clear message to world leaders and the wider public about the need for values-based, urgent action on climate change on Thursday 11 March.

March 11 has been named ‘Global day of Action – Humanity’s ‘Eleventh Hour’ to act on climate’ under the Sacred People Sacred Earth movement, seeking support from politicians to take serious action on climate change.

Students and staff stood in solidarity in our peaceful Assisi Garden ringing church bells and burning incense.

These religious rituals were to show they care about the Sacred People, Sacred Earth global multi-faith action.

Rev Canon Naomi Cooke, Chaplain said, “The world’s religions are called to care for the earth as given to us by God to safeguard.

“As a Chaplain, I am really proud to stand amidst the next generation who care about our leaders making wise decisions for our world.”

Oliver Caesar, a BDC student said, “Today was great because we all came together so that we can understand the significance of climate change.”

Another student, Heather Nivison, said,” It is great to see our school show support for climate action.”

For further information on the Global Multi Faith Climate Action Sacred People Sacred Earth campaign, visit

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