Coffs Harbour Toastmasters Club members excelling

Oxley Division Toastmaster speech contest place-getters Fran, Mark and Lisa with Area Director Sue.


FOUR members of the Coffs Harbour Toastmasters Club excelled at the recent Oxley Division public speaking competition.

Members from over 20 clubs competed in Humorous and International contests with Coffs Harbour scoring two first places and three other podium finishes.

Fran Kerkoff placed first in both contests and is possibly one step away from a trip to Paris in August – COVID-19 permitting.

That next step is a big one.

The District 90 Final involves the winners from other Divisions representing about 150 clubs and 3000 members.

“You don’t have to enter competitions to benefit from Toastmasters,” said a modest Fran.

“Once you become involved in Toastmasters you will be amazed how quickly positive changes follow.”

Toastmasters provides a supportive and fun environment for people of all levels to develop communication, public speaking and leadership skills.

Toastmasters self-paced programs result in personal growth, greater self-confidence and increased comfort in social situations.

Toastmasters has been active in Coffs Harbour for over 30 years with members ranging from 20 to 80 years old and from all walks of life.

There are currently two clubs.

Coffs Harbour Toastmasters meets on Tuesday evenings twice a month, contact David on 0412 616 243.

Jetty Speakers meet on Thursday mornings, contact Danni on 0403 500 919.

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