Free Petrol for Pensioners – Reapply for your Regional Seniors Travel Card for 2021

A seniors’ regional travel card. The 2021 card is now available.


REMEMBER the free travel card seniors were given last year?

Well dear reader, you can get another one for 2021.

Those eligible are aged pensioners and holders of Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards.

It also applies to some categories of veterans.

It is not available to those living in the greater areas of Sydney, Wollongong or Newcastle.

Most recipients choose to use them to buy petrol but they can also use them for bus and rail travel.

Individuals get a debit card for $250.

This means $500 courtesy of our State Government for a married couple.

You can check your balance over the phone.

Just ring 13 77 88 and all will be revealed.

A new card will arrive in the mail a couple of weeks later, it then has to be activated before use.

Oh! Have your old card and pensioner or seniors’ card details on hand to apply.

17 thoughts on “Free Petrol for Pensioners – Reapply for your Regional Seniors Travel Card for 2021

  1. Just wondering, I am 63 years old in March this year,2021, so not of the Pension age, however I am a DVA Gold Card TPI holder so do I qualify for this benefit.
    Thankyou in advance for your reply and determination Mick.

    1. I’m 59yrs with a disability, for which has me in difficult hardships, was hoping that I could be eligible for Penision discount on fuel. Thanks Glen

  2. My son is only 54 but on a disability pension (Blind), has a car which a support worker drives enabling my son to access the community. Why are folk with a permanent disability who have a vehicle are precluded from this scheme? Thank you for your time

  3. HI,, i apllied for n had approved a RSTC on the 27th feb n here we r in august n i still haven’t received the said card…..can anybody inquire or tell me Y…..ref num,,,,,,COL-ceae308-RSTC….n it is a joke tryin 2 get some 1 on the so called card services line….i tried 4 three days in a row n it just rang out …..thnxs… John….

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