Jenny Crozier featured at Tilligerry Arts Group

Local artist Jenny Crozier.


OUR Tilligerry Arts Group (TAG) is currently featuring the works of noted local painter Jenny Crozier.

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Her works will hang in the corner of the building over the holiday period to be replaced by other budding artists at a future date.

Some time back, Jenny’s portrait of local MP Bob Baldwin was entered in the Archibald Prize. She has also acted as an independent judge in several regional competitions. Her art workshops are well patronized.

The relocation of the TAG gallery to the old Lemon Tree Passage Fire Station has greatly increased visits by curious locals and tourists alike.

Indeed, the Covid -19 crisis has seen day trippers from Newcastle and holidaymakers from Sydney seek out quiet little backwaters such as Lemon Tree.

Here they can escape the worries and stress of city life.

This in turn has seen increased patronage of the gallery and sales of the various arts and crafts on offer.

The Gallery is located on the right hand side of the main road into LTP, just past the motel.

You can’t miss it. It’s painted a bright canary yellow.




Jenny’s works on display in the gallery.

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