The Longest Day at the Coffs Harbour Golf Club to raise funds for the Cancer Council

Brandon Connor is raising funds for the Cancer Council when he tees off at Coffs Harbour on Monday. Photo: Green Shoots Marketing


PLAYING 72 holes of golf in one day is a marathon effort but for Brandon Connor it’s no effort.

Particularly when it’s for such a good cause.

Connor, Billy Flanagan, Harry McMillan and a few more golfers will be taking on The Longest Day at the Coffs Harbour Golf Club, a challenge that sees golfers play four rounds to help raise funds for the Cancer Council.

The question needs to be asked, why would a person try to do such a thing?

Connor said the answer is simple.

“I have a good friend who was diagnosed with cancer and it was pretty scary for her at the time,” Connor said.

“Everybody is affected by cancer in some way and the more money we can raise, it gets us closer to a cancer free future.”

The weather forecast for the weekend suggests the course will be very wet come Monday but Connor said that doesn’t matter.

“I’ll be out there rain, hail or shine.

“Playing 72 holes in a day is a long day, especially in the rain but compared to living with cancer it’s not that hard,” he said.

“It’s a pretty easy trade-off I reckon.”

This is the second year Connor has organised the challenge and he said this effort is already ahead of his maiden effort.

“Last year we raised about $1,100, this year it’s already up to $1,700,” he said.

But he’s chasing more.

To donate, go to and click on the Find A Friend button.

Then insert Brandon Connor’s name and you will be taken to his page where you can donate.



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