Great Lakes: Visitors up, Bad behaviour down

Great Lakes Council says that despite considerably higher numbers of visitors to the Great Lakes in January 2015 than the year before, traffic and parking infringements were comparatively lower than in previous years.

“Council Rangers have told me that the prevailing attitude by the vast majority of visitors this year was one of courtesy and cooperation, with a definite ‘holiday’ atmosphere in the Great Lakes,” said Council’s Manager of Waste, Health and Regulatory Services, Mr John Cavanagh.

Although there were only approximately the same number of parking offences issued, there were far more people in town.

“Everyone would have noticed the great increase in traffic and that it was indeed difficult to find a car park in central areas, shopping centres and at the beaches and playgrounds,” said Mr Cavanagh.

“However there was very often car parking available just a short walk from these areas, and it is pleasing to see that Great Lakes residents accommodated our visitors with good cheer most of the time,” said Mr Cavanagh.

It’s very important for drivers to observe all parking rules during the busy holiday season and to respect the job that the Rangers undertake, to keep traffic moving, protect public safety and keep parking spaces available for the uses for which they are intended.

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