Foreshore cleanup to remove beach boats in Port Stephens

Boats to be removed from Tanilba Bay.


IN the second wave, pardon the pun, of foreshore clean-ups, boats and other craft not stored in council racks are to be removed.

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Boats, usually dinghies, left on the grassy verge will have a luminous sticker fixed to them giving their owners fair warning that they will be removed and disposed of within a certain time-frame.

Commenting on the initiative, Cr Steve Tucker said that Tanilba Bay would be targeted as part of Port Stephens Council’s second sweep of beaches to improve public access and ‘clean up’ the public parks and reserves.

“Council has boat racks available at a nominal cost and these are where the dinghies are to be stored,” he said.

“There is no place for the storage of larger craft such as sailing boats,” he added.

“Our foreshore reserves are becoming incredibly popular on weekends and during school holidays as tranquil places to escape from the lockdown restrictions.

“We want to present them in the finest state of upkeep,” he stated.



One thought on “Foreshore cleanup to remove beach boats in Port Stephens

  1. Council does not provide any racks adjacent to some anchorages eg Cromarty Bay . In other areas inadequate racks are provided eg Soldiers Point Marina area. The system has been created by non boating Council staff who have no idea of boaters’ needs and is a mess.

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