Blue Ribbon Bowls at Karuah


The Blue ribbon event of the Karuah Bowling Club consisted of a cast from the committee as Club President Dave Austin played Vice President Scott Beaumont with Club Secretary Mark Wilkie as the Marker in the final of the Club Major Singles.

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There were many high quality matches from the initial rounds with Dave playing Pete Dennis then Mark Wilkie in the quarter final (31/29) and Marty Mills in the semi final (31/26) and Scott up against Brendan Revell (33/29), then Stewart Bagnall in the quarter final and Sam Rees (31/26) in the semi final.

On Saturday 30 August Scott, playing his first Singles final, settled into his game quickly winning 6 of the first 8 ends to lead 12/2.

Dave then found his length and won the next 5 ends closing the score to being just behind 12/9.

Scott continued with great draw bowls but Dave kept up his fight producing consistent beautiful bowls to turn the score around and after 25 ends was leading 25/18.

Dave, after being Runner Up in this event a number of times, maintained the pressure to secure his first Club Champion title winning 31/22.



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