Hawks Nest Bridge Club commentary by Sally Hunter

Graham Jane Uff.

Hawks Nest Bridge Club

Bridge is a challenging game and it was wonderful to see two relative beginners, Graham and Jane Uff, becoming our handicap winners on Monday 13 January. Congratulations to them both! Handicaps are calculated after every bridge game and the pair that have improved the most are named as ‘handicap winners’. In this case, Graham and Jane improved more than anyone else playing at that session.

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Another interesting result was that Jo & John Younghusband returned from a holiday and managed to depose Chez Rands & Leslie Falla from their N/S winning streak on Friday 17th January. Sandy & Charlie Shuetrim came first in the E/W position and were handicap winners that day. This competition was run as a charity event to raise money for bushfire charities and was well supported by members, with 25 pairs competing that day. Similarly the competition on Monday 20th January was also run as a bushfire charity event and was won by Liz Caro & Trish Thatcher (N/S) and by Carol Richards & Sue Matheson (E/W), with Adrian Ryan and John Worgan as handicap winners.


Monday 13th January

N/S 1. Chez Rands & Leslie Falla 2. Liz Caro & Trish Thatcher 3. Linda & Glenn Conroy

E/W 1. Carol Richards & Sue Matheson 2. Bea Treharne & Roy Song 3. Adrian Ryan & Esther Digby
Handicap Winners – Graham Uff & Jane Uff

Friday 17th January

N/S 1. Jo & John Younghusband 2. Jeanette Whalan & Carol Richards 3. Barbara and Frank Ryan

E/W 1. Sandy & Charlie Shuetrim 2. Michael Forte & Pam Jones 3. Bea Treharne & Sue Matheson
Handicap Winners – Sandy & Charlie Shuetrim

Monday 20th January

N/S 1. Liz Caro & Trish Thatcher 2. Jim Thatcher & Jeanette Whalan 3. Peter Baily & Gordon Morrison
E/W 1. Carol Richards & Sue Matheson 2. Adrian Ryan & John Worgan 3. Bea Treharne & Roy Song
Handicap Winners – Adrian Ryan & John Worgan



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