Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls weekly result

Runners Up Grade 4 Side: Jean Glover, Bev Stephens, Loretta Baker, Karen McPhie, Liz Kelly, Dale Winter, Lynda Richards and Francis Betar.
Runners Up Grade 4 Side: Jean Glover, Bev Stephens, Loretta Baker, Karen McPhie, Liz Kelly, Dale Winter, Lynda Richards and Francis Betar.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls

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THE Post Sectional Final for our Grade 4 Yellow side commenced on Sunday 28th April at Raymond Terrace. Two games were bowled on that day, one on the Monday and another on Tuesday. Going into the last day of play our side were in equal first place with Cardiff. Both sides holding 14 points just a difference in margins they had 68, Tea Gardens 57. The margins being irrelevant as we were bowling against Cardiff on this final day of play, we just needed to win. One TG team had a win, but their score was not enough to compensate for our losing team, we gained 1 point Cardiff 4 points, 18 v 15 so close and yet so far. A great effort by our side, well done ladies. Congratulations to Jean Glover, Bev Stephens, Loretta Baker and Karen McPhie who scored 8 shots in one end bowling against Lambton Park during the Finals. Many thanks to all our club members, the members from the men’s bowling club and the friends who came to support our side at the Pennant Finals, it was fantastic having you there to cheer us on.

There was no social bowls played on Tuesday 30th April. On Thursday 2nd May, post Pennant lunch plus social bowls. Format for social bowls was 3 games of “turn around” Triples. Prior to play Club President Robyn Webster formally welcomed new member Trish Ward to our club and bestowed birthday greetings to Ingrid Luck. A great win for Dorothy Thompson, Sandra Leisemann and Robyn Webster 14 v Ingrid Luck, Judi Polak and Pat Baker 5. Lyn Nightingale, Bev Rhodes and Lynne Green defeated Jan Coomer, Jeanette Emmett and Kayelene Pearson 20 v 13.

Trish Ward, Jo Younghusband and Karen McPhie winning 17 v 12 against Pam Gilchrist, Kathie Rimmer and Lynda Richards. Winners on the day with the highest margin was Lyn Green’s team. Following play all bowlers and members enjoyed our post Pennant lunch catered for by the Myall Bistro and Café. Formalities after lunch, President Robyn Webster congratulated the Grade 4 Yellow side, presented Jean, Bev, Loretta and Karen their “8 pin”, announced the winner Bev Rhodes and Runner Up Dorothy Thompson of the “at home competition” and thanked all members for their hard work during 2019 Pennant Season.

Coming events: Thursday 9th May Bring a Friend to Bowls Day.




Dorothy Thompson, (runner up) and Bev Rhodes (winner) of the At Home Competition.
Dorothy Thompson, (runner up) and Bev Rhodes (winner) of the At Home Competition.

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