One Nation’s Neil Turner Candidate for the Seat of Paterson in the 2019 Federal Election

Neil Turner.
Neil Turner.


NEIL Turner lives in Raymond Terrace and works as a fitter machinist, mainly in the coal industry, he is standing in the seat of Paterson for One Nation in the federal election.

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He has lived here for the past nine years with his wife.

Together they enjoy travelling and boating at the bay.

Neil started his working career as an apprentice toolmaker in the whitegoods industry and studied engineering through to design manufacturing and a Diploma in Business management.

Neil Turner told News Of The Area, “I first joined Pauline Hanson’s One nation in 1998 and stood for election in 2001 and 2004 in the federal seat of Riverina.”

More recently Neil stood as a candidate in the state election held in March for the seat of Maitland where I achieved 10.9 % of the vote.

“I want the financial assistance grants by the federal government to local councils be restored to pre 1996 level of at least 1% of Commonwealth taxation revenue.

“It is currently around .55% and lack of council funds has led to unaffordable rate rise applications by councils.”

Neil would like the One Nation secured pilot program for 1600 regional apprenticeships rolled out in Paterson to help the many young school leavers struggling to find employment. “Under the scheme, the government will subsidise 75% of the apprentices first year wages, 50% of the second year’s and 25% of the third year’s wages.”

One Nation’s policy to build High Efficiency Low Emission power stations for cheap and reliably power is essential for the competitiveness of our industries including the Tomago Aluminium plant in the Paterson electorate.

“At least 50% of coal mined in the Hunter and transported out of our port is sold to Japan for power generation, it is unthinkable that we buy back products cheaper than we can produce ourselves due to our high electricity costs.”

Neil is also campaigning against the removal of franking credits and changes to negative gearing by the Labor party, and where the ability of retirees and pensioners to plan for a comfortable retirement is being eroded.

“If elected to federal parliament I will work very hard for the constituents of Paterson and conduct myself in a truthful and trustworthy manner,” he said.



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