Port Stephens Locals Protest Adani Mine

Julia Lee, Greens Janet Murray, and Cathy Knott with two ladies from the Knitting Nannas Hunter Loop protesting against the Adani Carmichael Mine as the Adani convoy rolled through Heatherbrae.
Julia Lee, Greens Janet Murray, and Cathy Knott with two ladies from the Knitting Nannas Hunter Loop protesting against the Adani Carmichael Mine as the Adani convoy rolled through Heatherbrae.


IT may be over 2000km’s away from Heatherbrae, but local protestors came out to let mining giant Adani know that some residents of Port Stephens don’t want Adani’s Queensland Carmichael Coal Mine, which threatens the Great Barrier Reef and the Galilee Basin, to go ahead.

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There are estimates that up to 4.55 gigalitres of groundwater could be taken per year by the enterprise.

In a recent opinion piece Bob Brown former leader of the Greens stated, “The Adani coal mine comes with a domino effect: it would unlock one of the biggest untouched coal reserves left on Earth.

“There is a clutch of other mines that would use Adani’s railway infrastructure to get their projects off the ground. Adani is the key to unlocking a global climate catastrophe and all this would be against the wishes of the area’s traditional owners,” he said.

Brown refers to the Adani Corporation mine as an “Impending disaster with effects that will reach far beyond Australia.”

When Adani Corporation took a convoy of vehicles through Port Stephens, our own environmental warriors were there to show that there is a widespread community which stands against Adani’s mine.

Greens member Janet Murray told News Of The Area, “It is vital that Adani is stopped! If it goes ahead, Adani’s Carmichael Mine will be one on the largest coal mines in the world.

“It is wanton recklessness to even consider approving this mine when the IPCC is telling the world that we urgently need to reduce CO2 emissions.”

She believes that if this mine is approved, it will open the way for other mines in the Galilee basin, compounding the emissions problem.

“Adani’s Carmichael Mine threatens the survival of the Great Barrier Reef by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, leading to higher ocean temperatures and more frequent coral bleaching events. “Excavations for the Abbot Point coal terminal will require massive dredging of the seafloor, disturbing habitat for dugongs, turtles and dolphins,” she said.

While Nigel Dique of EcoNetwork Port Stephens said, “EcoNetwork supports protests like the anti-Adani convoy because they draw attention to the need for political action to end our reliance on fossil fuels as an energy source.

“For the sake of future generations, we should be doing our level best to avoid climate and ecological catastrophe, which means not supporting mines like Adani,” he said.



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