Nelson Bay Golf Club Results

David Rann, Ronnie Shaw, Will Semens and Pam Norman.
David Rann, Ronnie Shaw, Will Semens and Pam Norman.


Nelson Bay Golf Club Results: 29th to 4th August 2018.

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The 27 hole Mixed Foursomes Championships.

The Champions for 2018 are Ronnie Shaw and Will Semens with a Scratch score of 127. Following their win, Club Director, David Rann and Ladies Captain, Pam Norman made the presentation of the Championship’s Perpetual Trophy. Congratulations to both from all members.

Highlights of the week:

Congratulations to both James Marshall, taking out the Scratch Winner position with a score of 75 and to Philip Gee Kee who took out the Net Winner position with a score of 68 and with it, holds the Monthly Mug presented by S. S. & L. M. Johnston Earthmoving.

Results round-up:


27 Hole Mixed Foursomes Championship.

Scratch: Winners Ronnie Shaw & Will Semens 127, Runners-up Fran Guides & Chris Mawson 131.

Nett: Winners Judy & Barry Schultz 101¾, Runners-up Carol Gilmour & Emile Billett 108¾.

Ladies Stableford:

Overall: Winner Tina Jeggo 45

Men’s Stableford:

Overall: Winner Peter Soiland (vis) 38 c/b, Runner-up Warren Andrews 38 c/b.


Men’s Vets Stableford:

Div 1: Winner Keith Woodley 27, Runner-up John Greghean 26, Best Net John Greghan 21. Div 2: Winner Allan Stuart 24 c/b, Runner-up Hugh Edwards 24, Best Net Alan Stuart 24.


Ladies Individual Par:

Div 1: Winner Rae Uptin +1 c/b, Runner-up Janelle Tolhurst +1, Third Mary Reisch -3. Div 2: Winner Robbie McClurg +3, Runner-up Jenny Runyard +2, Third Trudy Vander Reyden +2. Div 3: Winner Jane Foster 0, Runner-up Jeannie Punshon -1 c/b, Third Lyn Hollier -1.


Mens Stableford:

Course 1: A Grade: Winner Vito Massaioli 41, Runner-up Stephen Spillane 36. B Grade: Winner Chris Norman 39 c/b, Runner-up Danny Marmo 39. C Grade: Winner Ray Johnson 41, Runner-up Bob Colley 40.

Course 2: A Grade: Winner Peter Metham 38, Runner-up Tony Short 37 37. B Grade: Winner Mike Betlinski 42, Runner-up Paul Tonks 39. C Grade: Winner Robert Miller 39, Runner-up Ken Wilson 38.


Ladies Stableford:

Div 1: Winner Robyn Butler 35. Div 2: Winner Paula Regan 34. Div 3: Winner Ruth Buchanan 32.

Mens Stableford:

Overall: Winner J. T. Townsend 37.

Men’s Vets Stableford 9 Holes:

Winner M. Jeggo 21, Runner-up J. Geoghegan 18.


Ladies Stableford:

Div 1: Suzanne Conrades 39. Div 2: Winner Joan Rumble 36.

Mens Stableford:

A Grade: Winner Michael Shirlow (vis) 37, Runner-up Vinko Komadina 36. B Grade: Winner Terry Butler 39, Runner-up Bruce Scott 36. C Grade: Winner Stuart Manley 40, Runner-up Keith Woodley 39.


Stroke Competition: Monthly Medal:

C1: Overall; Scratch Winner James Marshall 75, Net Winner Philip Gee Kee 68. A Grade: Winner Warwick Dart 70 c/b, Runner-up James Marshall 70, Third place Malcolm Baker 71; B Grade Winner Philip Gee Kee 68, Runner-up Neil Hodges 71, Third place Michael Day 73; C Grade Winner Peter Griffin 69 c/b, Runner-up Michael Penman 69, Third place Peter Schmalz 71.

Men’s Stableford:

C2: A Grade: Winner Peter Fulton 36 c/b, Runner-up Max Pride 36; B Grade Winner Ian Edmunds 41, Runner-up Col Herring 38; C Grade Winner Garry Jones 43, Runner-up Ian McElwain 36.

Ladies Stableford:

Overall: Winner Barbara Frost, Runner-up Jeanette McClymont 32.


By David & Rhona BIRSS

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