Myall Coast residents share New Year’s resolutions

Madisson Callaghan-Morante Hawks Nest
Madisson Callaghan-Morante
Hawks Nest

My biggest achievements in 2017 were raising over $1,000 for kid’s cancer research and completing 13 years of school. My New Year’s resolution is to travel as much as I can, raise more money for charity and live life to the fullest.

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Jessica Harris Myall Coast Chamber of Commerce
Jessica Harris
Myall Coast Chamber of Commerce

The best things about 2017 we’re  expanding our business into the Myall Lakes and enjoying time on the water with my daughter. My New Year’s resolution is to be more thoughtful in how I use my time as I am always running around.


Cr David West MidCoast Mayor
Cr David West
MidCoast Mayor

What a great year it has been and we are looking forward to building on the work achieved in 2017. Together with my fellow Councillors we will be out and about in the new year, talking with people across the community to identify our priorities for the future. We encourage you to come along, have a chat and let us hear your thoughts. Wishing everyone a happy healthy 2018.


Fay Collins Bulahdelah
Fay Collins

In the New Year, I hope to enjoy life as much as I did in 2017. I plan to get out as much as I can and continue to enjoy a drink at the club with my son.


Trevor Bestt Bulahdelah
Trevor Bestt

The best thing about 2017 was enjoying the social aspects of our beautiful town. My New Year’s resolution is to lift my involvement in trail bike riding through the forests. 


Tim To Tea Gardens
Tim To
Tea Gardens

Turning 18 and finally being able to vote and have a say in who will represent us was one of the best things about 2017. My New Year’s resolution is to make even more friends, it is always good to have lots. I also hope to spend less and save more.  


Cr Katheryn Smith MidCoast Deputy Mayor
Cr Katheryn Smith
MidCoast Deputy Mayor

The best thing about 2017 was definitely finding out I was elected onto Council. It was reassuring that an average person can be elected without political party, donations or a large campaign budget. For the New Year, I am looking forward to accomplishing my short-medium term goals within Council while being a mum and supporting the kids.


Noreen Relf Bulahdelah
Noreen Relf

The best things about 2017 were turning 91 and continuing to enjoy a long and happy life. My New Year’s resolution is to win more at Bingo. I wish everyone a very happy and successful 2018. 


Megan Markham Tea Gardens
Megan Markham
Tea Gardens

Getting accepted to study a Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of New England was a great end to 2017. My goals for 2018 include travelling as much as I can and succeeding with my studies. 


Les Smith Tea Gardens
Les Smith
Tea Gardens

The best things about 2017 were opening my own business and getting ready for a busy tourist season. As I am busy most of the time, my New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with my family. 


Phillis Haynes Bulahdelah
Phillis Haynes

Every year is different, so my New Year’s resolution is to just go with the flow. I hope everyone achieves their goals in 2018 and enjoys good health and happiness.  


Leah Slockee Karuah
Leah Slockee

A highlight of 2017 was the victory for equality with same-sex marriage being made legal and my greatest achievement was finishing Year 12 and graduating in front of my family. My New Year’s resolution is to be healthier and fitter, and to stick with it.    


Tom Locke Bulahdelah
Tom Locke

The best part of 2017 was getting my licence and becoming more independent. My New Year’s resolution is to walk more, survive university and love life.


Marie Kelly Markwell
Marie Kelly

Continuing to enjoy good health was one of the best things about 2017. My New Year’s resolution is to get as much out of life as possible. Happy New Year.

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