Myall Lakes MP hosts Pollie Chat at Bulahdelah Bowling Club

Myall Lakes MP Stephen Bromhead at Bulahdelah Bowling Club.
Myall Lakes MP Stephen Bromhead at Bulahdelah Bowling Club.


MYALL Lakes MP, Stephen Bromhead, hosted ‘Pollie in the Club’ at Bulahdelah Bowling Club last Friday evening.

Karuah & District RSL Club
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The National Party MP meet for informal discussions, and was even lucky enough to win a meat tray in the raffle.

“It’s another way of engaging with the community to listen to what they have got to say,” Mr Bromhead said.

“Generally, people have been very receptive and it is a good way to hear directly what the local issues are.”

Mr Bromhead moved throughout the crowd and discussed varied topics including funding and council rates.

“There is more money available to communities for local infrastructure and local programs than previously in the history of NSW,” he said.

“People are excited at the opportunities.”

Speaking with News Of The Area, Mr Bromhead said $2.6 million is available through the Stronger Country Communities Fund, with additional funding available for cultural, sporting and job creation projects.

MidCoast Council was recently granted $50,000 for the Great Lakes Remote Areas Flood Survey.

“The southern area has a long history of flooding, and this is a study to help council identify the risks and work out their strategies to better manage them,” Mr Bromhead said.

“It is about doing the planning to be able to then go to the government for further assistance with specific catchments like the Myall River.”

For roads and bridges, Mr Bromhead said MidCoast Council is borrowing $50 million from T-Corp at a special low interest rate for merged councils.

“I am calling on the government to match that dollar for dollar, to provide a $100 million roads and bridges package,” he said.

“I have spoken to the Deputy Premier, I have had the Minister for Roads come to the electorate … I am hoping that they will announce that they will support the council and the community.”

Mr Bromhead concluded his visit to Bulahdelah with a meal at the club with his wife Sue.




Sheree Robards with Myall Lakes MP Stephen Bromhead.
Sheree Robards with Myall Lakes MP Stephen Bromhead.

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