Farewell dinner for community champions Nigel and Nikki Waters

Nikki and Nigel Waters.

AFTER 26 years living on the Tomaree Peninsula, active and community-minded couple Nikki and Nigel Waters have returned to their original homeland of England.

On 21 February, the Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association (TRRA) co-ordinated a very well-attended thank you dinner for the couple, which was held at the Nelson Bay Golf Club.

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Nine organisations were represented, along with Mayor Leah Anderson and several current and past Port Stephens councillors.

Nine speakers recounted Nigel and Nikki’s contributions as Tomaree residents.

Nikki was a dedicated member of the Port Stephens Community Art Centre (PSCAC) and taught at U3A.

The current president of PSCAC, Meryl Miller, said Nikki had played a crucial role in establishing the
structure required to run a successful art centre.

“Nikki, your legacy within the PSCAC is undeniable and your generosity, leadership and compassion for the arts have touched many lives,” she said.

Nikki’s technological guidance is well-remembered by members of the Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol of Port Stephens as she ran a series of sessions and provided course material for beginners with computers.

Her intervention prevented a number of non computer-literate members from leaving the service.

Nigel was also extremely busy and wore many caps.

Margaret Wilkinson of Nelson Bay Civic Pride referred to Nigel being “the Saviour of Trees”, particularly in the Nelson Bay Town Centre.

Also, as a member of Marine Rescue, Nigel clocked up 6000 hours in the communication centre and qualified as a skipper.

For his role in the rescue of four vessels on 6 and 7 January 2016, he was awarded the Commissioner’s Commendation for Courage.

Both Roger Yeo of Nelson Bay West Landcare and Iain Watt of EcoNetwork spoke of Nigel’s leadership and planning ability and his capacity to encourage unity.

Mayor Leah Anderson said councillors appreciated Nigel’s ability to identify priority issues and to summarise relevant items in agenda papers for Council meetings.

She acknowledged that his submissions helped facilitate councillors’ meeting preparation.

Former State Member Bob Martin spoke on behalf of Port Stephens MP and Families and Community Minister, Kate Washington.

“Nigel has worked hard on multiple issues that matter,” Ms Washington wrote.

“He’s helped us shape a more progressive, accountable and transparent local political landscape, and a community that cares deeply for the environment in which we live”.

The final speaker was TRRA past president and current committee member, Geoff Washington.

Geoff drew the guests’ attention to a citation on the inaugural Australia Day Environmental Award, given to Nigel. “Nigel is a community champion of Port Stephens who has given his time to numerous volunteer groups.

“[He] is passionate about making Port Stephens a great place”.’

In his response, Nigel said that residents across the Port Stephens LGA need to show more empathy toward councillors and planners, and consideration of their roles.

By Simon EKINS

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