Dungog Rumble to support area’s palliative care volunteers

Meeting at the Bank Hotel Dungog, Rumble organisers and palliative care volunteers.

THIS year the Dungog Rumble will donate the funds raised by the show and shine event to Dungog Palliative Care Volunteers Inc.

At the first meeting of the Dungog Rumble for 2025, Rumble organisers spoke with representatives from Dungog Palliative Care Volunteers.

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The gathering was held at the Bank Hotel Dungog, on Sunday 16 March.

Palliative Care Volunteers representatives Lynne Moseley, Annette O’Neill and Margaret Jones explained the important role of the volunteers in the local community and answered questions about their unpaid work supporting people with life-limiting illnesses.

Dungog Palliative Care Volunteers assist with equipment, transport, respite and linen, relying almost completely on volunteer workers and donations to operate.

Some of the figures supporting the Rumble’s decision include the 30,000km in transport per year and the 100 volunteer hours per month that the Palliative Care Volunteers provide.

Currently, approximately 50 Dungog Shire people are receiving assistance from the volunteers.

These services are all provided free, with no questions asked about the persons’ financial means.

In previous years, the Rumble has raised significant amounts for local organisations such as junior sports clubs.

Entrants bring vehicles from far and wide to display them, admire other machines, and to socialise.

Cars, trucks, tractors and all sorts of attractions attract plenty of spectators, crowding the area around the Bank Hotel.

Now in its 14th year, the Rumble is a family-friendly event.

The organisers encourage everyone to come along and enjoy the event on 18 October.

Cindy Fisher, one of the Rumble organisers attending Sunday’s meeting, said that they are “looking forward to involving all community services and sporting groups to continue making the event successful.”

The Rumble is inviting sponsors to come on board for 2025.

For more information and contact details go to “Dungog Rumble Inc.” on Facebook.


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