Gloucester Flowers blossoms with new award

Felicia Maljers at her shop, Gloucester Flowers.

GLOUCESTER Flowers has been awarded second place in this year’s Mid North Coast and Northern Rivers Wedding Industry Awards.

“[The] awards are dedicated to recognising, supporting, and rewarding wedding businesses that operate in regional areas of Australia,” the awards website states.

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Gloucester Flowers owner Felicia Maljers told NOTA she was “very shocked and surprised” by the accolade.

“I’m very, very grateful,” she said.

Felicia took on the shop almost five years ago, after a chance encounter with the previous owner as a local real estate agent.

“I’ve always been a gardener and always loved flowers,” she said.

“I went out to do an inspection on a property of the lady that owned Gloucester Flowers.

“We were just chatting and catching up, and she said that she was selling Gloucester Flowers, and I said ‘I’ll buy it’.”

One of the biggest learning curves has been the logistics of getting fresh flowers to Gloucester.

“I can only get flowers fresh from the market two days a week,” Felicia said.

“It comes from Sydney markets to Nabiac with a courier, and then it comes from a second courier to Gloucester.”

Gloucester Flowers services right across the district, providing flowers for weddings, funerals and significant events.

Felicia travels far and wide, having provided flowers for weddings at the Central Coast and Newcastle, as well as locally delivering across Gloucester, Stroud and Nabiac.

“The people of Gloucester are so supportive, and I’m very lucky.

“I couldn’t do this without the great support that I’ve received from everyone here,” Felicia said.


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