Waukivory Hall gets a facelift ahead of 90th anniversary

Volunteers at the Waukivory Hall working bee. Photo: supplied.

THE Waukivory Hall is being cared back to life on the 90th anniversary of it being built.

On 5 April 1935, local news reported that the “Hall would be a big advantage to the locality”, having been built with various grants and completed a week prior to the article.

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A recent group of community members have gathered to restore this vision, with working bees held over the last two months to renovate the interior of the hall.

Efforts have consisted of revamping the ceiling, restoring an old window and repainting the walls.

Local community member Anne Andrews told News Of The Area, “Memorial items have been lovingly preserved to honour the originators and older residents.”

Importantly, volunteers have been ensuring that fun has been at the heart of the working bees.

“I speak for many of my neighbours when I say this is the most welcoming community I have ever belonged to,” Anne said.

With the renovations underway, the Waukivory Hall is now living up to the 1935 vision, with Tai Chi held on Friday mornings, workshops, regular bingo nights, soup and damper nights and events.

Art workshops will be held in May, run by local artist John Andrews.

An inaugural art exhibition with talks and demonstrations will take place over the long weekend in June.

If you wish to become involved, please get in touch with Kathy at 0409 767 722.


Kathy Baxter, Secretary of the Waukivory Hall Committee. Photo: supplied.

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