Reunion to celebrate Coffs Harbour area’s surfing family

Peter, Noel, Reggie, Barry and Rodney at the Longboard Competition 1972 in Coffs Harbour.

THE Coffs Harbour and District Surf Riders “Old Boys n’ Gals Reunion Celebration 1965-1985” is scheduled for the evening of 5 April at the Greenhouse Tavern.

The event builds on the recent interest and success generated by the “Swell Chasers – Surf Stories from the Mid North Coast” exhibition at Yarrila Arts and Museum.

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“It’s now timely to follow-up and celebrate our Coffs area surfing family – its history, roots and legendary personalities from the past,” organiser Geoff McSkimming told News Of The Area.

The “Father of Surfing” and surf culture was Hawaiian Olympic swimmer Duke Kahanamoku.

A triple gold-medallist, “The Duke” introduced Australia to the sport at Freshwater Beach on 24 December, 1914, on a board he fashioned out of solid sugar pine.

He hoped to see surfing at the Olympics one-day, which happened more than 100 years later when it debuted at the delayed Tokyo Games of 2021.

In the course of moving from fringe oddity to mainstream acceptance, boardriders in the Coffs District have nurtured and developed surfing talent to an elite level.

Anyone interested is welcome to join their reunion.

There will be archival footage and historical images honouring key personalities and events, and stories and personal anecdotes.

The evening commences at 5pm with an optional gold coin donation.

Anyone with photo contributions can contact Les Grant at or on 0407 890132.

RSVP’s are due by 29 March and are to Lew Jackson on 0407 890132 or at


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