Letter to the Editor: Stop taking credit for others’ hard work Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 15, 2025 ON the front page of Camden Haven NOTA on 28 February 2025, ‘Shindig for Bonny Hills pathway’, where are Dr David Gillespie and Leslie Williams whose parties funded the project? I was angered at seeing this photo. Why have the principal federal and state members responsible for this great project been omitted from the photo? Alison Penfold, our National Party candidate for the upcoming Federal election was in attendance but not invited into the publicity photo – what a joke. David Gillespie is our Federal Member and Leslie Williams our State Member, why were they not invited? Who is Federal Labor Senator Deborah O’Neill? Politics and spin. Federal Labor taking the credit for a project they did not fund. In fact, Federal Labor had a hand in defunding this project. I personally appeared in a photo in the paper when David Gillispie and then Mayor Peta Pinson announced funding for this project some time back. I am sick of political parties and politicians taking credit for other people’s hard work. I would also like to throw my support behind my State Member Leslie Williams, who worked tirelessly on the State Government project for the new ambulance station at Lake Cathie. She too was omitted from the fanfare of that opening. Another example of political parties taking credit for hard work they did not fund or do. Regards, Steve BRYSON, Bonny Hills.