Mayor’s message: stay vigilant around water

A WEATHER emergency might have been averted locally, but Port Macquarie-Hastings Mayor Adam Roberts and the Mid North Coast Local Health District are reminding residents to stay vigilant around water.

Mayor Roberts thanked the emergency services, Council staff and the many volunteers who prepared for the worst as Cyclone Alfred threatened to cause widespread flooding as far south as the Camden Haven.

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“Thankfully our local area emerged from the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Alfred relatively unscathed, with only minor flooding impacting parts of rural and riverside communities,” he said in a statement.

“While the event has so far passed our area without major incident, it is still a time for our community to remain vigilant.

“I urge our community to continue to be across the official advice, updates and warnings as and when they arise.

“Be mindful that there are still a number of dangers that are present including significant water flows through the river system, beach debris and coastal erosion, as well as continued weather impacts as the ex-cyclone dissipates.

“Please do not drive through flood waters, avoid swimming in rivers or beaches and please keep continuing to support each other, particularly those who have been impacted.

“For now, it is encouraged that residents and businesses in possession of sandbags hold onto these for the time being until it is very clear they are not needed for this event.”

Health authorities are also encouraging people to take precautions with food and drinking water.

Regional Director North Coast Population and Public Health Dr Valerie Delpech, reminded people to avoid contact with floodwater as much as possible to reduce the risks of injury, sickness or infection and to treat all floodwater as contaminated.

“It can contain hazardous substances, including raw sewage, chemicals and other contaminants which can easily make you sick or lead to infections such as leptospirosis,” Dr Delpech said.

“If you are not sure about the quality of drinking water, contact your water supplier or local council.

“If you are involved in clean-up activities, please remember to wear safety equipment including boots, gloves and eye protection and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.”

Mould is likely to be an issue in the coming weeks.

Dr Delpech recommends drying out your home as quickly as possible.

For more advice on staying healthy during and after floods and storms, including printable fact sheets, visit the NSW Health website.


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