Celebrating International Women’s Day in Gloucester

Guest speaker Louise Duff.

THE women of the Gloucester Environment Group celebrated International Women’s Day in style on Saturday 8 March.

Not daunted by the inclement weather, 30 women gathered for a delicious lunch at the Avon Valley Inn.

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“This important day is marked on this date each year to highlight the need for gender equality,” said the group’s Di Montague.

“While most in the room acknowledged how lucky we are to live in a beautiful area like Gloucester, for many women in our community and around the world, there is need for change.”

After lunch the gathering heard from guest speaker Louise Duff.

Louise, who recently settled in Gloucester, has had a rich and diverse working life both in Australia and overseas.

She is passionate about the outdoors, with a career devoted to biodiversity, rivers and wetlands.

Her talk focused initially on the ‘Status of Women Report Card’ for 2025, released each year by the Federal Government.

“The report card includes the most recent available date on the social and economic equality issues facing women and girls in Australia,” the government states.

In her speech, Louise stressed that equality for women has stalled, and in some cases is going backwards.

“One example is the gender pay gap where women need to work an additional forty-four days a year to earn the same as men,” Di said.

“This inspiring speech was followed by a chance for the women in the room to focus on their own lives, using the ‘Tree of Life’ as a guide.

“To complete the event, delicious cake was enjoyed and all agreed that the day was a positive way for local women to join together in celebration of being women.”

Thirty women gathered for a delicious lunch at the Avon Valley Inn on Saturday.

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