Stratford’s Bush Dance and Fundraiser ready for another year

The Stratford Bush Dance last year

TWO years ago Amanda Marsh and Kelly Pickett recognised the need for increased community engagement at the Stratford Community Hall.

They began organising an event to appeal to a wide range of community members while raising funds for local breast and prostate cancer support groups in Gloucester.

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“We decided that a bush dance would be a fantastic way to bring the community together,” Amanda explained.

The first Bush Dance in 2023 was a huge success, leading to the establishment of the Annual Stratford Bush Dance and Fundraiser.

Graeme Healy, a supporter of the Stratford Bush Dance, shared his experience.

“I attended the first Stratford Bush Dance without knowing what to expect, and I wasn’t disappointed!” he said.

“It was so much fun and incredibly energetic.

“The band leader guided us through the steps at the beginning of each dance, and then we were off!

“It was wonderful to see so many community members of all ages enjoying themselves.

“It has become a must-attend event on my social calendar.”

This year marks the third Stratford Bush Dance, and Amanda and Kelly are excited about creating another successful fundraising event.

“Learning to bush dance is easy,” Amanda told News Of The Area.

“You don’t need to know any steps beforehand; the band is excellent at teaching the dances.

“One of the best things about bush dancing is that you don’t need a partner.

“You are constantly moving to the next person, so you’ll have made several new acquaintances by the night’s end.”

The Stratford Bush Dance is well supported by locals and attracts keen bush dancers from outside the area.

“It is a night of fun,” Amanda said.

“Dancing brings joy; I don’t think there has been one person in the hall who wasn’t smiling.”

This year’s Stratford Bush Dance will be held in the Stratford Community Hall on Saturday, 5 April, starting at 6pm.


Amanda Marsh, Steve Pennicuik (Prostate Cancer Support Group), Kathy Leimgruber (Breast Cancer Support Group) and Kelly Pickett.

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