Roadworks continue on Bucketts Way between Gloucester and Stroud

ROADWORKS are continuing on the Bucketts Way south of Monkerai Road at Weismantels, between Gloucester and Stroud.

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Those travelling recently on Bucketts Way will have noticed that a number of trees and other vegetation on the eastern edge of the road, just to the south of Monkerai Road, have been cleared.
News Of The Area asked Midcoast Council the reason for the clearing, and whether any further vegetation removal is planned.

“MidCoast Council crews are working on constructing a south bound overtaking lane as well as the resealing of the north bound lane,” Council said in a statement.

“Traffic control is in place and motorists can expect minor delays.

“The work – which is funded by the Roads of Strategic Importance Initiative, a combination of State and Federal government contributions – will provide a safer, smoother improvement to the Bucketts Way including improved drainage.

“The project is expected to be complete by the end of June, weather permitting.

“No more clearing is expected to take place.”


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