Poets pen new Verse in the Valley

Verse in the Valley participants and judges. Photo: supplied.

OVER 250 people attended this year’s sellout Poetry in the Saleyards to cap off the Verse in the Valley bush poetry event.

The Verse in the Valley Festival made its way to Gloucester for the first time this year, based on the success of the yearly local poetry event held at the Gloucester saleyards.

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The four-day event included an open mic night, poetry workshop and the New South Wales Bush Poetry Championships.

David Stanley was awarded the overall champion of the Championship, receiving first place with his modern and original humorous poems and second place in both traditional and original serious poem categories.

Along with the accolade, David joined locals Claire Reynolds, Tink Everett and the Bowden Brothers, and poets Paddy O’Brien and Ray Essery, on the saleyard stage to a sellout crowd.

Gloucester Rotary member Brian Beesley told News Of The Area, “The Poetry at the Saleyards event has been running for over 20 years.

“While it is one of the major fundraisers for Rotary, it’s much more about investing back in the people of Gloucester to have some fun, using home-grown talent like the Bowden Brothers and local poets,” he said.

The Rotary Club hopes to use the success of this year’s Verse in the Valley event as a springboard for bringing the event here permanently.

Those interested in joining a committee to help grow the event are encouraged to email the Rotary Club at rotarygloucester1@gmail.com.


Championship Winner David Stanley. Photo: supplied.

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