Cattle trend dearer with recent rains

RAIN promised dearer cattle prices to $3,050 per cow and calf unit at the Ray White Livestock Gloucester Annual Female Sale.

A total of 860 head of cattle were yarded at the Gloucester Saleyards on 7 March, consisting of 400 cows and calf units.

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A rain-filled sale didn’t put a dampener on the mood of the bidders, as cows and calves sold at an average price of $1,950 per unit and a high of $3,050 per unit.

Pregnancy tested in calf (PTIC) heifers sold to a top of $2,940 per head, while unjoined heifers reached a top price of $1,750 per head.

Local agent Ken Maslen told News Of The Area, “Cows were generally $200/head dearer due to the quality and condition of cattle, and the weather conditions.

“Confidence was well up with recent rain received and the forecasted season,” Ken said.

Paul Stacker received the top price of $3,050 for cows and calves at the sale, while Peter Lindley sold Charolais cows and calves for $2,700.

The Bradshaw Family sold cows and calves for $2,550, and Weegoona Pastoral Company sold fifteen cow and calf units for $2,420.


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