North Coast cattle treated for tick fever

PRODUCERS are on high alert following the confirmation of tick fever on two North Coast cattle properties.

North Coast Local Land Services (LLS) district veterinarian Phillip Carter, said the cattle were treated for tick fever, Babesiosis, once the diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests.

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“If treatment is delayed tick fever can kill susceptible animals and producers should contact a vet immediately if cattle show signs of tick fever,” Dr Carter said.

“These two positive cases of tick fever are the first new confirmed cases in NSW this year and we saw signs of cattle tick infestation during our inspection of the animals.

“We advise producers to monitor herds for cattle tick and cattle tick fever as other animals may be infected and are yet to show signs.”

Unexplained death can be the first sign of tick fever.

Other signs producers should look out for in their cattle include lethargy, depression, salivation, red urine, elevated temperature, jaundice and anaemia.

“Tick fever is spread by cattle tick, which thrive in warm, humid conditions and we urge producers to practice good farm biosecurity to prevent more tick fever cases in these seasonal conditions,” Dr Carter said.

“Producers should regularly check cattle for ticks, especially when cattle are yarded in preparation for autumn sales.”

NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Cattle Tick Operations leader, Larry Falls, said producers should immediately report signs of cattle tick on their animals by calling the NSW Biosecurity Helpline (1800 680 244).

“Early intervention is key to minimising the spread and impact of cattle tick and tick fever,” Mr Falls said.

“The NSW record of movement for cattle tick lists the mandatory biosecurity requirements which must be followed when bringing cattle from cattle tick infested areas into NSW and moving from cattle tick restricted properties in NSW.

“Following these biosecurity requirements helps prevent the introduction and spread of cattle tick and minimises costs and losses to your enterprise and livestock industries.”

Tick fever and cattle tick are notifiable under NSW biosecurity legislation.

Cattle tick and tick fever pose significant economic impact on cattle production in northern Australia due to potential large losses of animals, production losses, restrictions on trade and treatment costs.

If you find sick or dead cattle or suspect tick fever, immediately contact your LLS DV or call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

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