City of Coffs Harbour misses emissions target

CITY of Coffs Harbour Councillor Jonathan Cassell is concerned that the City has failed to meet its Renewable Energy and Emissions Reductions Plans (REERP) target for 2025.

In a series of Questions on Notice at the 27 February meeting, Cr Cassell raised concerns about the City’s progress towards its ambitious environmental targets.

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He queried a significant gap in meeting the targets, which were set to achieve 50 percent renewable energy and a 50 percent reduction in emissions by 2025 (against a 2010 baseline).

Council confirmed that the targets had been missed, with the reasons given being delays in the City committing to an electricity supply contract based on renewable energy, and the unfilled position of a Sustainability Officer.

According to Council staff, a new electricity supply contract that reduces energy and emissions will not be possible until June 2027.

“While progress on the REERP has been slow, it’s clear that more urgency is needed,” Cr Cassell said.

“We must prioritise renewable energy and emissions reductions to protect our environment and future-proof our community.

“One key factor in the delay is the unfilled position of the Sustainability Officer – a critical role responsible for overseeing the city’s environmental initiatives.

“It’s vital that we fill this role and take urgent action to get back on track.”

The Council reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability, stating that a review of the Renewable Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan would occur in 2025/26.

In the meantime, strategies to reduce emissions include improving waste management infrastructure and services and improving the recycling of organic waste.

By Andrew VIVIAN

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