Free battery checks for boaties on the Mid North Coast

Battery World Coffs Harbour owner Paul Simpson.

BOATIES on the Mid North Coast are being urged to take advantage of free battery checks, after figures revealed that of the more than 350 marine search and rescues in the region last year, around 35 were related to battery issues.

According to Battery World Coffs Harbour owner Paul Simpson, many of the region’s incidents in 2024 could have been prevented with better boat maintenance.

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“It’s crucial for boat users to check all of their equipment before they go out, especially if they haven’t used their boat in a while,” he said.

“The last thing any boatie wants is to be five miles out to sea and realise that their batteries are no good.”

“Our free battery checks only take a few minutes and can help water-goers with that all-important reassurance before setting off.”

Paul has been a supporter of the Coffs Harbour community since moving to the area a decade ago.

He powers up the three local Marine Rescue NSW units at Coffs Harbour, Woolgoolga and Nambucca by providing batteries for their rescue boats.

Marine Rescue NSW Mid North Coast Inspector Rodney Page emphasises the importance of boat battery maintenance.

“Marine Rescue NSW encourages all boaties to make sure their battery and engine are in good working order before every voyage,” he said.

“Ten per cent of all calls for assistance to Marine Rescue NSW are from skippers experiencing battery issues on board their vessel.

“Battery failure can lead to life-threatening emergencies with disabled vessels at risk of capsising or running aground.”


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