Hot Rods set to flock to the Myall Coast

The Hot Rods are coming.

THE Reflections Rod Run is set to bring dozens of custom cars to the Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest area later this month.

From 14 to 16 March, more than 70 hot rods and vintage cars will call the area home for a weekend-long event.

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Entrants will stay at Reflections Holidays Hawks Nest and Jimmys Beach, as well as a variety of local motels and holiday rentals throughout the Myall Coast.

The community is invited to a Show and Shine event on Saturday, 15 March from 9am-1pm along the Tea Gardens waterfront.

This free, family-friendly event will feature a unique display of hot rods and custom vehicles, along with market stalls.

A fundraising raffle will support the community’s Free Clinic Bus service.

“We invite the entire community to come out and enjoy the day, support a great cause, and marvel at the incredible collection of hot rods and custom vehicles on display,” said Jenny Bevan, Reflections Rod Run.

“We’re proud to showcase these stunning cars and hope to make this event an annual highlight for the area.”

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