Nambucca River Probus Club hold membership drive

Nambucca River Combined Probus Club members and guests at the meeting.

THE Nambucca River Combined Probus Club held a membership drive at their Thursday, 20 February meeting.

Gathering in the ‘Down Under Bar’ at the Nambucca Heads RSL, current members were asked to bring along a friend to enjoy morning tea, in the hope of attracting new members.

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Thirty-three members were in attendance, along with 10 visitors as prospective members.

Probus Clubs provide members with the opportunity to connect socially, and are open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired.

The Nambucca Valley’s retired population is abundant, with many who have moved to the region to be nearer to children and grandchildren.

Others have relocated for more reasonably priced housing, the pristine beaches, or possibly a desire to be self-sufficient on small holdings.

The Nambucca River Combined Probus Club is celebrating 20 years in 2025, with some of the original members still within the club’s ranks.

“Social activities are held each month and include BBQs, morning teas, evening dinners, Christmas in July lunch, visits to museums and galleries, visits to Botanical Gardens and attending plays or movies,” Publicity Officer Helen Kirkpatrick said.

“Our club prides itself on being very friendly and is particularly welcoming to anyone wishing to join, applications are open to retired men and women looking to expand their interests in retirement.”

Nambucca River Combined Probus Club meetings invite guest speakers and are held each month on the third Thursday in the Down Under Bar at the Nambucca Heads RSL Club at 10.30am.

To join or for more details contact Helen Kirkpatrick on 0413 912 303.


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