Reap the benefits of speed networking in Gloucester

A COMMUNITY “speed networking” event will be held at MidCoast Council’s Gloucester office on Friday, 4 April.

“Speed networking is a fun way to learn about other community groups and share what your group does,” Council said in a statement.

“Learn what projects are being planned, what resources groups have to share and projects you could join forces to work on together.

“Don’t miss this unique opportunity to build relationships and collaboration among community groups in your community.”

Morning tea will be provided on the day.

How does it work?

● One or two people represent your group.

● Each group has two minutes to give an overview of their group to everyone – you would be surprised how much you can fit in.

● After two minutes a bell is rung to let you know your time is up. Then the next group has their turn and so on.

● Following the presentations, informal networking time is provided to chat over a cuppa.

● A table will be provided for you to leave business cards or group brochures to share.

● When you register, you will be sent an information template to complete. These will be compiled into a one-off directory of the groups there on the day so you have an overview of everyone’s group and their contact details.

To register, contact Jane O’Dwyer on 0418 769 494 or email

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