Sailing season launches at Urunga Sail Training Club

The club offers Australian Sailing National Small Boat Start 1 and 2 courses.

A NEW sailing season starts this weekend at the Urunga Sail Training Club, with beginners learning the ropes on the beautiful waters of the Bellinger and Kalang Rivers.

Australian Sailing National Small Boat Start 1 and 2 courses are offered for beginners and anyone wanting to brush up on their sailing skills.

“We see the positive impact of sailing, particularly in young people,” said Derek Ridgley, Principal of the Urunga Sail Training Club.

“It engages them mentally and physically, with learning many life skills like leadership, teamwork and communication, and resilience.

“Plus, it is a fun way to learn, and is adaptable to people‘s abilities and interests.

“All kids and adults should have a chance to sail, plus it’s a wonderful way to explore our beautiful waterways.”

The Urunga Sail Training Club is a volunteer organisation which has been teaching sailing on the Mid North Coast for 14 years.

Last year the club ran a “Women on Water” program, with some students going on to become assistant instructors.

The course teaches how to confidently skipper and crew a sailing dinghy, basic sailing maneuvers, boat parts and rigging, safe boat launching and retrieval, capsize recovery drills, reading the tides and weather conditions, understanding the ‘Rules of the Road’, who has right of way on the water, and more.

For more information email or phone Derek on 0427 115 892.

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