Letter to the Editor: Nuclear waste a real issue Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 6, 2025 DEAR News Of The Area, I TAKE issue with Derek Musgrove’s “Nuclear and renewables working together” letter on Thursday 30 January, 2025. Derek’s assertion that nuclear waste can be safely placed into the earth’s crust forever as being no different to day-to-day waste going into local landfill is, sorry to say, foolish. There is overwhelming published evidence that landfill waste is a growing and dangerous problem across Australia (and worldwide) – particularly hazardous waste like asbestos. Facilities for the storage, treatment and disposal of household waste are reaching capacity in NSW. Governments are desperately trying to address this problem. Nuclear waste from a nuclear power plant is a different kettle of fish in terms of potential long term toxicity and safe handling. Why on earth would we consider adding another permanent, toxic legacy that our kids and grandkids will have to manage when we have the proven, cost effective capacity to expand renewable energy technologies? Regards, Megan BENSON, Gloucester Environment Group.