Dungog Shire Council seeks amendment to Hunter transport plan

DUNGOG Shire Council will make a submission to Transport for NSW regarding recommendations for updating the draft Hunter Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan.

In December 2024, Transport for NSW released the draft Hunter Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (draft transport plan) for public exhibition to 28 February 2025.

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It aims to streamline the transport project planning process and provide regional stakeholders and communities an understanding of short to medium-term transport priorities for the Hunter.

To better support Dungog Shire and the objectives in the draft transport plan, Council will recommend the plan be amended to include:

– a short-term initiative for increasing passenger rail services on the Dungog corridor, rather than deferring this consideration to the medium term. Council says this adjustment would reflect the importance of both corridors of the Hunter Line and align with efforts to shift trips to rail through fast, frequent, and reliable services.

Council would also seek the duplication of the rail line between Dungog and Telarah to reduce capacity constraints;

– Council will urge Transport for NSW to prioritise increased bus service frequency, expanded operating hours, and additional day-return services for Dungog, Clarence Town, Paterson, Vacy, and Gresford/East Gresford in the medium term to improve commuter services;

– That the proposed new day return coach service between Gloucester and Broadmeadow along Buckets Way should include utilising Limeburners Creek Road to provide a stop at Clarence Town.
Particularly, if the additional service may arrive in Broadmeadow at just after 9am on a weekday; Adding to the component regarding Chichester dam access to be considered for future state road classification –state roads to services state assets.

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