Meeting to plan Country and Bush Dance workshops in Dungog Dungog Shire Dungog Shire News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 29, 2025 Pauline Cambourne, country and bush dance caller. IT seems quite a few Dungog area residents are interested in Bush and Country dancing. Following a recent News Of The Area article, local dance caller Pauline Cambourne received a number of calls from people interested in finding out more. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – So, a meeting has been called, to gauge interest and plan some activities. The meeting will be at 6pm on Thursday 6 February, at Dungog Arts Society, 266 Dowling Street, Dungog. It is free to attend, and everyone is welcome. There probably won’t be any dancing at this meeting, it is intended to explore what is needed to get the ball rolling. Pauline has suggested running some Country and Bush Dance workshops, followed by an actual dance. First, people who are interested can learn about and practice dancing at the workshops. Participants do not need to know anything about dancing. Then a dance would take place later this year. The venues are yet to be decided, but there are a number of local options. Just one of the reasons for holding this meeting is to establish numbers so that the right size venue can be used. Country and Bush dancing is not just about the steps, the skills, or perhaps the fitness or coordination benefits. “Dancing is a good way to get to know people, and meet people you might not otherwise meet,” Pauline said. “That’s how it was done 100 years ago, before mobile phones and TV.” Providing local musicians with opportunities to play for the dancers is another positive aspect of the proposal. This allows the music to be easily stopped and started, or slowed down to let the dancers practice their steps. While dancers can learn a lot at the workshops, they are meant to be an enjoyable introduction to a traditional pastime, and a chance to meet up, and have fun. To find out more about the meeting, or to express interest, call Pauline on 0429629014. By Lisa WISEMAN